Thursday, August 26, 2010

On My Way!

Miss Gowan is traveling to Ghana, Africa to teach in an orphanage! I will be living in the Volta region in a small rural village called HoHoe. It can be seen on the map label as Ho. I am leaving Rochester and flying to New York City. Then when I leave the airport in New York City I will be on a plane for 11 hours before I arrive in Ghana. It is going to be a long flight!

I will write again when I can and hopefully put up pictures of the school I am teaching at!

Love from Ghana,
Miss Gowan


  1. Okay! How was the flight? Meet any interesting people? How was the 4 hour drive to Hohoe? Get some rest! Big day tomorrow!

  2. mosquito net work ? roommates nice ? where are they from ?

  3. Flight was very long..mosquito net working nicely...feels like a cocoon! Roommates are very nice...I'll talk about them in another post!

  4. Roommates sound great! Nice to have someone your own age. Can't wait to hear those stories, especially the hospital volunteer.

    Lyndsey wants to know how the drum lessons are going!

    What happened to the others you were traveling with? Are you no longer together because of the orphanage switch?
