Monday, October 11, 2010

Life on the river

Here is how someone lives on the river. Notice how every part of their life involves using the river in some form!

Monday, September 13, 2010

A traditional African Kitchen

This would be considered a kitchen in America. Everywhere in Africa you can see huts like this built to have an area where they can cook food over an open fire. They do not have stoves, microwaves or ovens like we do in the United States. They have to build a fire, get water usually from a well or from a spicket from town and then boil water to cook in.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

On My Way!

Miss Gowan is traveling to Ghana, Africa to teach in an orphanage! I will be living in the Volta region in a small rural village called HoHoe. It can be seen on the map label as Ho. I am leaving Rochester and flying to New York City. Then when I leave the airport in New York City I will be on a plane for 11 hours before I arrive in Ghana. It is going to be a long flight!

I will write again when I can and hopefully put up pictures of the school I am teaching at!

Love from Ghana,
Miss Gowan